
Enduring Ideas/Techniques that are still in use today

There are a few ideas/techniques that were invented a long time ago but they are being used/re-implemented again and again, even in today’s sytems. Why do people look and reimplement these techniques, even after 50 years? Because, even after 50 years, we face largely the same problem when we design new systems. Here are a few examples. Ideas First-time Introduced What problem is solved? Trasactions Make it easy to develop on top of a data store.

Delete Request in LevelDB

When I searched for how leveldb/rocksdb and a few other KV stores handle delete requests, the document will usually say ``we insert a special a tombstone value or a tombstone entry.’’. However, for KV stores which allow storing arbitrary keys and values, I am not sure which value we should use as the special tombstone value, as whatever value we pick as a tombstone value, it could be a valid value stored by the user.

Postgres Handling Transaction ID Wrap Around

NOTE: OpenGauss may fix this problem. Three special values are reserved as special transaction IDs, including invalid, bootstrap and frozen transactions. The rest values are used in a circular fashion. Once a row is older enough (controlled by vacuum_freeze_min_age, an integer value measuring the number of transactions), the vaccum process can mark its TID as FrozenTransactionId. FrozenTransactionId is smaller than any normal transaction ID and thus these frozen rows are visible for all current and future transactions.


The four properties that a transaction in the database world has are ACID: A stands for atomicity, C for consistency, I for isolation and D for durability. The purpose of transactions is to maintain data in the face of concurrent access and system failures. Property Definition Technique to achieve that property Atomicity A transaction either succeeds or fails as a single operation. Undo log Consistency A database should start in a consistent state and end in another consistent state, after applying a transaction or transactions.

Hit the Road iOS App

Hit the Road is an iOS app for tracking ourdoor exercises. It can track walking, running, and biking. It is supposed to run on iPhones, but not iPads or iWatchs. User Privacy The app only stores the duration and mileage for each activity locally in the installed device. The app does not store the GPS locations. It only uses GPS locations during an activity to get the mileage. The app does not send any data over the network.

Use Options File for Benchmarking RocksDB using YCSB

In YCSB, we can also use the options file (-p rocksdb.optionsfile=/tmp/ycsb-options.ini, e.g.,) to configure the options for RocksDB. However, for a new user, it is actually not easy to figure out what needs to be configured for RocksDB for YCSB. Here is a quick way to get it start. Use the ycsb tool to load a rocksdb without specifying the options. $ ./bin/ycsb load rocksdb -s -P workloads/workloada -p rocksdb.dir=/tmp/ycsb-rocksdb-data Then, when we look into the rocksdb datadir, we can actually be able to find the option file that is generated automatically: OPTIONS-00008 or with a different number.