Delete Request in LevelDB
When I searched for how leveldb/rocksdb and a few other KV stores handle delete requests, the document will usually say ``we insert a special a tombstone value or a tombstone entry.’’. However, for KV stores which allow storing arbitrary keys and values, I am not sure which value we should use as the special tombstone value, as whatever value we pick as a tombstone value, it could be a valid value stored by the user. I looked up leveldb source code and I think I have figured out how leveldb handles this case.
In stead of using a special tombstone value, it instead inserts a special tombstone record which indicates whether this is a new PUT or a delete. The internal key used in leveldb includes both an increasing sequence number but also a type field. The type field can have two values: kTypeValue (0x01) or kTypeDelete (0x00). If it is a kTypeDelete, the value field is empty and this request is a delete operation.
So, essentially, for each KV pair, from a PUT or a Delete request, besides user_key/user_value, leveldb also stores a sequence number and a type which indicates whether this is a PUT or a delete (this KV is deleted).